Supermarkets Digital Denial"...Who Needs Motivated Shoppers? - By Joel Albrizio

By Joel Albrizio, President, Adlife Marketing & Communications

OK, So What Is Going On With.....PokeWho?

Lets begin by saying, obviously there must be something to a digital craze that takes this country by storm. Even the most pessimistic retailer believing  the printed circular is here to stay while holding onto his printed ad with white knuckles must acknowledge something is up.

Yes this is Pokemon20, the 20th anniversary of a phenomenon. A change in shopping as we understand it. This demographic is digital...period.

Can A Supermarket Retailer Harness This Pokemon Type Energy?

Of course, but to begin to develop this youth, this energy into retail sales is to first understand the why's and wherefores of motivated shoppers. To expect some success we need to take everything off the supermarket advertising table setting and return only what we need....Then lets add advertising via digital.

Budget Challenges Understood....Check Out The Pokemon20 Website......This Is Your 30 Year Old Shopper Challenge...Take A Long Look Somewhere In All This Is Your Future!

Now understanding that many of us will cringe attempting to understand this, all you really need to know is change via "Shopping Digitally" is upon us.

So many retailers tell me every week "We Don't Get The Younger Shopper". I, Joel Albrizio often ask, how do you reach out to this younger shopper? A common reply is "We Really Don't" 

That said, when we don't involve or worse we avoid the thirty something shopper from our retail game plan customer acquisition success is unlikely. This is the shopper that will give the supermarket retailer both basket size and "The Mix" necessary to survive.

"Stick Your Toe In The digital Waters & You Will Touch Upon Retail Sustainability"

Don't look to be an expert day one. There are in fact very few truly digital experts. Look to be open to change. Read anything you can find about your younger shopper. Don't hesitate to experiment. You may not begin a craze but you might find you see bigger baskets at the registers.

In closing, many have asked why I choose to write about what I see in the supermarket industry today and my ideas. At Adlife we believe great ideas and its resulting branding will give new life and direction to any company. So for that reason we chose to open the discussion.

Thank-you for all of your support and ideas.

Joel Albrizio, President & Adlife Marketing & Communications

Follow Me On Twitter @joelalbrizio or right here on LinkedIn!

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